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Apply for 2019 EducationUSA Opportunity Funds Program (OFP)-

US diplomacy
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Are you in SS 3 or did you just finish secondary school? Do you need help to further your studies in Nigeria or in the US? This is a great opportunity for you to study the course of your dream without any financial problem.

EducationUSA Opportunity Funds Program (OFP) | U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Nigeria 2019

There are many determined and talented, low-income students in Nigeria who only require financial resources and access to information to better their educational future. OFP’s mission is to assist talented and determined, low-income students who are good candidates for financial assistance from U.S. colleges and universities but lack the financial resources to cover the up-front cost of obtaining admission.

OFP works closely with students through regularly scheduled meetings and seminars to assist them throughout the application process to secure admission and scholarships to attend colleges and universities in the United States.

Selection Criteria/Screening

The selection of finalists for OFP is highly competitive, given limited funding. The organizers look for applicants with:

NOTE:  Undergraduate Applicants– If WAEC results are not available; the student must be currently in SS3. If WAEC results are available, they must be from May/June WAEC.

Students who have already started a University education are NOT eligible to apply.

Qualifications and Requirements

How to Apply for EducationUSA Opportunity Fund Program (OFP) 2019

If you meet the requirements above, you can proceed to the application portal to apply. This opportunity is open for two categories of applicants, namely

  1. Undergraduate applicants
  2. Graduate applicants

Select the category you belong and apply by using this link provided here Opportunity Fund Program 2019 Application

Closing Date for Application For EducationUSA Opportunity Fund Program 2019

Deadline for application is 31st of May, 2019. Hurry and apply

You may also like to apply for- Fulbright African Research Scholar Program (ARSP) 2019 here


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