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First Bank of Nigeria (FBN) Massive Graduate Recruitment 2020| Apply Now

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FBN are recruiting interested and qualified persons to join their work force. First Bank of Nigeria Limited (FirstBank) is Nigeria’s largest financial services institution by total assets and gross earnings. With more than 10 million customer accounts, FirstBank has over 750 branches providing a comprehensive range of retail and corporate financial services.

FBN Graduate Recruitment 2020/2021 Application Portal

The Bank has international presence through its subsidiaries, FBN Bank (UK) Limited in London and Paris, FBNBank DRC, FBNBank Ghana, FBNBank Gambia, FBNBank Guinea, FBNBank Sierra-Leone and FBNBank Senegal, as well as its Representative Offices in Johannesburg, Beijing and Abu Dhabi.

Available Positions for FBN Recruitment 2020/2021

  1. Product Conceptualization and Design Team Member
  2. Product Conceptualization and Design Leader
  3. Team Lead, Fintech Engagement
  4. Legal Officer, Corporate & Contracts
  5. Legal Officer, Security Documentation & Management
  6. Legal Officer, Litigation
  7. Analyst, Third Party Application Support
  8. Analyst, Channels Infrastructure
  9. Analyst, Application Support – Finacle Support
  10. Analyst, IT Finance and Vendor Management
  11. Analyst End user Support
  12. Analyst Communication, User Education and Adoption | IT care
  13. Analyst, Testing
  14. Head, IT Applications Testing Management and Quality Assurance
  15. Team Lead, Application Development
  16. Team Lead, Application Development (Analytics & Data Science)
  17. Team Lead, Testing
  18. Team Lead Quality Management
  19. Team Lead, Performance Testing
  20. Senior Analyst, Application Development (Data Science & Analytics)
  21. Senior Analyst, Application Development
  22. Senior Analyst, Testing
  23. Senior analyst, Quality Management
  24. Senior Analyst, Performance Testing
  25. Desk Head, Application Development (Analytics & Data Science)
  26. Desk Head, Application Development
  27. Analyst, Quality Management
  28. Analyst, Performance Testing
  29. Analyst, Application Development

How to Apply for FBN Graduate Recruitment 2020/2021

All interested and qualified candidates for any of the positions listed above should Click on the Application Link Here to Apply

Closing Date for FBN Recruitment 2020/2021 Application

No date has been specified yet.

We wish you success.

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