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FRSC 2018 Shortlist Officers Basic Course (OBC) Invitation- View Complete List

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We will like to inform all our readers, especially those who applied for the 2018 FRSC Recruitment that the  Final List of Successfully Shortlisted Candidates for FRSC Officer’s Basic Course (OBC) is out. You can check for your name and get your invitation letter here.

Also you will be notified on the exact date for the commencement of the training. You can also check your name on the FRSC final list of shortlisted candidates for Marshal Inspectorate, Official cadre.

As stated above, the final list of successfully shortlisted candidates for the 2018 FRSC recruitment has finally been released. This is to inform all who successfully applied for the job (FRSC Recruitment 2018) to check now for their respective names.

Follow the steps below to check for your FRSC 2018 Application Status

As stated by FRSC board, your invitation letter would be as written below,

Sequel to your participation in the enlistment processes into the services of the Federal Road Safety (FRSC), please be informed that you have been selected for the next state which is the commencement of the OFFICER’S BASIC COURSE (OBC)”

Please Note- Every successfully shortlisted candidates have his/her own unique invitation number, date of reporting and reporting deadline.

All candidates are advised to check their email address (inbox or spam) used during online registration for personal reporting details/invitation letter.


To gain entrance into the FRSC OBC training venue, candidates must meet the below listed conditions.

At the venue, candidates will be subjected to a drug test. This will be conducted by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)  in conjunction with FRSC.

Failure to pass the drug test would lead to automatic disqualification.

For more detailed FRSC Recruitment Updates, kindly subscribe to this website using your email. Subscription is free.

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