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Npower Build 2018 Registration Portal, Login, Stipend and closing date- Apply

npower build registration
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Npower Build 2018 has started, you are eligible to apply/register for this program as long as you have your SSCE result and you are a Nigerian. Read full details and apply below.

The N-Power Build program is an accelerated training and certification (Skills to Job) program that will engage and train 75,000 young unemployed Nigerians in order to build a new crop of skilled and highly competent workforce of technicians, artisans and service professionals.

N-Power has officially opened the N-Power Build Portal for new applications. Applicants can apply for any of the 7 trades listed.

The focus industries of the N-Build program include:

N-Power is a job creation and empowerment programme of the National Social Investment Programme of the Federal Government of Nigeria. The N-Power programme is for young Nigerians between the ages of 18 and 35.
N-Power Build ensures that young Nigerians are trained to build a knowledge economy equipped with world-class skills and certification to become relevant in the domestic and global markets. N-Power also focuses on providing our non-graduates with relevant technical and business skills that enhance their work outlook and livelihood.
Npower build 2018
  • Currently Unemployed
  • No degree or diploma Selection preferences
  • Aged between 18-35
  • Interest in fixing, building and creating things
  • 3 Months


Npower Build monthly salary is ten thousand naira


Applicants are to note that the application process is completely free and there is no application fee. Applicants are
requested to read and understand all relevant information prior to applying. Applicants should note the following steps:
  • Before you go on to apply, ensure you have a printout or accurate details of your Bank Verification Number or BVN and a recent passport photograph.
  • Once you get on the application portal, you will be required to read the terms and conditions of the N-Power Programme and accept that all the information you will provide must be truthful and accurate.
  • Fill in your 11-digit BVN; then fill in your surname, first name, and middle name in identical terms to your BVN information; followed by details of your active bank account;
NOTE– If your BVN details are inaccurate, you will not be permitted to go past this interface. If the BVN details are accurate, you will be allowed to proceed to the application portal to fill in all the personal information
required and your academic qualification. You will receive a unique N-Power identification number;
  • Ensure to provide your own telephone number and email so that you can be reached directly;
  • You will also need to upload your passport photograph in either JPEG or PNG files in no more than 25 kilo bytes.

Click on to apply


November 16th, 2018.

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