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NYSC CALL-UP LETTER PRINTING- Print your 2018 Call-up Letter here and orientation camp guidelines

NYSC Call Up Letter
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NYSC BATCH C Stream I and NYSC BATCH C Stream II – This is an urgent update for all persons who are in the 2017 NYSC BATCH B Stream II. In case you are not aware the call up letter has been released and you would be going to the orientation camp in some days as a matter of fact you are expected to report to camp on the 16th of January, 2018 with a grace of one (1) day. Camp registration is for only two (2) days. You must be in camp latest 18th of the month.


Hurry now to the nearest café to print-out your call up letter as it contains your state of deployment, location/address of the orientation camp and also your call-up number. You will also be given a list of items and documents to come along with. Use the email and password you used while registering to print out the letter.

In case you do not like were you were posted to CLICK HERE TO RE-DEPLOY NOW

Please note that the call-up letter is a requirement to be registered in camp, do not misplace it although you can always login again to print it out.

To be sure that you have printed the right document, you would see the below details in the print-out.

Dear Compatriot,

I am happy to inform you that by the provisions of NYSC Act Cap N84 of the laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, arrangements have been completed for you to participate in the National Youth Service Corps Scheme for One Calendar Year and you should report as follows:

State of Deployment: *********

Date of Reporting: ************

Officer-in-charge: State Co-Ordinator

Address of Orientation Camp: *************


Be informed that this letter is very important as it is the main proof that you have been called-up for National Service. You are required to present this to the NYSC state co-ordinator of the state you are deployed to.

Below are the documents you are required to bring along to camp

  1. Original Statement of Result
  2. Institution ID Card
  3. Eight (8) recent passport photographs + 2 extras for emergencies
  4. Medical PCM’s must come along with registration certificate with the appropriate bodies and evidence of completion of house-man-ship or internship.

You will be given one thousand five hundred naira (N1500) as transport allowance in camp and also one thousand naira (N1000) will be given to you as local transport allowance. Do not forget to collect this money. A total of N2500 would be given to you for transport.

Click Here To Download Call-up Letter

Items to go to camp with

  1. Bed spread and pillow case
  2. Mosquito net
  3. Plates with covers, cup and spoon (forks are not allowed)
  4. Bucket
  5. Torch light

Full list of items and documents required at the camp- Click Here

Extension boxes are not allowed in camp, it would be collected from you at the camp gate, and also laptops are not allowed on camp.

Do not come to camp with automobiles even bicycles are not allowed.

You would also need your BVN to open an account so ensure you have it readily available.



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