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WAEC Recruitment Application Form 2020/2021 Portal|

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WAEC Recruitment Application Form 2020/2021 – West African Examination Council (WAEC) massive recruitment 2020 is ongoing. See available positions, eligibility and how to apply for WAEC 2020 recruitment below.

The West African Examinations Council, WAEC recruitment portal is open and interested persons can now get the form to apply.

Available Positions for 2020/2021 WAEC Recruitment

Qualifications and Requirements for WAEC Recruitment 2020/2021

Assistant Examinations Officer III (General Duties)

Assistant Examinations Officer III (Accounts)

Assistant Examinations Officer III (ICT)

All Applicants must possess five (5) credits in SSCE/WASSCE including English Language and Mathematics at a sitting or six (6) credits at not more than two (2) sittings including English Language and Mathematics.

How to Apply for WAEC Recruitment 2020/2021

All interested and qualified applicants should visit

Closing Date for WAEC Recruitment 2020/2021 Application

The WAEC Recruitment Application opened on Friday 17th January, 2020 and the deadline for application is Friday 31st January, 2020.

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