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AMERICA VISA LOTTERY 2019 APPLICATION- Direct application link and how to apply

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This post contains a detailed guideline for applying for the America visa lottery 2019 (also known as the American Green Card Lottery) and also you would be able to find out if your country is eligible to apply.

AMERICA VISA LOTTERY 2019 APPLICATION- Direct application link and how to apply

Perhaps you have been searching the internet day and night looking for the direct way to apply for the American Visa Lottery, how would you feel if we inform you that your search is over?

To apply for the green card lottery, you must visit the only officially approved site by the state department, continue reading to get the information you seek.

Before we continue with the update, be informed that you are not expected to spend or give any money to any one for visa lottery favors. Do not fall for the numerous scams all around.

To successfully apply for this American Visa lottery, you are expected to fill a form online, the form is called DS-5501, and this form can only be accessed when the DV registration is on.

If you want to stand a better chance in getting the lottery, you have to apply on time. As much as possible try to register before the last days of the online registration, this would ensure that you are not placed with the crowd and as such miss the awesome opportunity of becoming an American citizen.

Submitting on time is not the only advantage you would have during the course of registration, if your forms are properly and correctly filled you will be at an advantage also, but if any error is found on your form, it would lead to automatic disqualification. So ensure all your details are correct before you proceed to the next level. You will find the list of details you are expected to fill below.

IMPORTANT NOTE- Do not send any documents (birth certificate, work experience, school records etc.) anywhere, other than making an online entry.

READ- Check out the names of countries that gives Visa lottery to Nigerians

How to Apply for the American Green Card Lottery 2019

We know this is exactly what you have been waiting for, so no more time would be taken to reveal the direct link you can use to register.

To apply for the visa lottery simply Click on I am interested.

Once you successfully register the entry, you will see a confirmation screen that contains your name and a unique confirmation number. Print this confirmation screen for your records. You will need this confirmation number in order to verify your application.


Do not include names of family members who are already citizens of America.

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