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CIF Youth Fellowship 2023 Application

CIF Youth Fellowship
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CIF Youth Fellowship 2023 Application | Are you aged between 18-28? Are you looking to expand your expertise in climate change issues?

CIF Youth Fellowship 2023

At the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), we believe in the potential of youth to create powerful, positive change. Invest in your future and accelerate your professional growth with this career-focused Fellowship program on climate.

The CIF Youth Fellowship is a unique professional capacity-building program focused on providing hands-on experience to the next generation of young leaders in global climate action. It is based on CIF-financed projects and will be implemented in partnership with our six Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) partners: the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the InterAmerican Development Bank, the World Bank, and the International Finance Corporation. It provides Fellows with the opportunity to work on initiatives in areas related to nature-based solutions, clean energy, adaptation and climate resilience, energy access, and gender and social inclusion.

Who is eligible to apply? 

How long is the fellowship?

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What are language requirements?

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