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Federal Polytechnic Ilaro ND Part-Time Provisional Admission List 2019/2020 is out| PDF

Federal Poly Ilaro
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Fed Poly Ilaro ND Part-time Provisional Admission List. Ilaro Poly management has just released the ND part-time admission list for the 2019/2020 academic session.

This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro (ILAROPOLY) National Diploma (ND) part-time programmes 2019/2020 academic session, that they can now proceed to check their admission status online.

The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro ND part-time admission list contains the names of all candidates offered provisional admission into the polytechnic various ND part-time programmes.

How to Check Federal Poly Ilaro ND Part-Time Admission List

The below listed persons have been offered Provisional Admission into Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro (ILAROPOLY) ND part-time programmes for the 2019/2020 Academic Session.

Click Here to Download List (.pdf)


All applicants for ND part-time mass communication and science laboratory technology are to come for screening examination on the 16th September, 2019.

Ilaro Poly ND Part-Time Registration Procedure

All the candidates on Part Time Admission should do the following before they can be enabled to pay Acceptance fee:

  1. Visit the Polytechnic ICT Center to fill JAMB Part Time Application Form.
  2. Submit their JAMB Registration Number Printout and a copy of O’ level result at the Admission Office before WEDNESDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER 2019. (Only candidates who have submitted their JAMB Registration Number and O’ level result at the admission office would be enabled to pay Acceptance Fee.

All the candidates should also go to JAMB Website to do the following:

  1. Accept the admission offer.
  2. Print JAMB admission letter.

Print Original JAMB result Here

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