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JAMB 2021 Registration Date: How to register for the 2021/2022 UTME Examination

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The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board [JAMB] has announced the date for the registration exercise of the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination.

The examination body in a recently released statement said that the registration of candidates for the 2021 UTME and Direct Entry will begin on April 8 and end on May 15, 2021.

All candidates must have National Identity Number (NIN) before they can begin registration.

The JAMB form for 2021 is sold for N3, 500. The Registration Fee for JAMB is Three Thousand Five Hundred (N3, 500) Naira plus Additional Five Hundred (N500) Naira only paid for the 2021 JAMB novel.
Items Amount (₦)
Registration Fee 3,500
Compulsory Reading Text 500
Service Charge for Registration 700
Total 4,700

How to register for 2021 JAMB

Candidates are to visit any of the accredited JAMB registration centre to fill and complete the online registration form. But first you will have to follow the steps listed below:

  • Valid e-mail account: The first basic step to start the 2021/2022 Jamb registration, is to have a valid e-mail address. Either gmail or yahoo mail. This will enable you send or receive information from Jamb about the exam. (Please, do not us the same email you used last year to register this year). It is advisable you create a new email.
  • Get your NIN: The National Identification Number is compulsory for any candidate that want to register for the 2021 UTME.
  • Create Jamb profile: It is compulsory to register your Jamb profile before you buy the 2021 registration form. Jamb profile is very important, no candidate can register for Jamb without creating a Jamb profile. Apart from Jamb registration, you will also need the Jamb profile to check your result online, check admission status, print admission letter, etc. Click Here to Create Your Jamb Profile
  • Check Jamb IBASS: According to Jamb, before you register for the UTME exam this year, you must check if you are eligible. Check the website for more information.
  • Buy JAMB E-pin: You are to buy your Jamb 2021 E-pin registration in approved banks
  • Visit any accredited CBT centers with your personal details and the profile PIN or Code to continue your registration.

JAMB 2021/2022 Examination date

The examination will hold from on the 5th to 19th of June, 2021 at the centre the candidate chose. Candidates will need to reprint their JAMB slip to know their examination date and centres- CLICK HERE.

JAMB Mock Exam Date 2021

The mock examination will hold on April 30 for those that are interested in the exam and registered before 24th April.

What is the deadline for JAMB Registration 2021?

The closing date for JAMB registration is 15th of May 2021.

You can click here to see how to score above 280 in JAMB exam

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