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Npower Recruitment 2020/2021 Portal Start Date and Deadline Update|

Npower 2021 beneficiaries update
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NPower is a job creation and empowerment programme of the National Social Investment Programme (NSIP) of the Federal Government of Nigeria.
Did you search for Npower Registration 2020/2021 starting date? Do you want to know how to register for the 2020 Npower recruitment? This update will guide you on all you need to successfully benefit from the Npower Program 2020/2021.

When will Npower Batch C 2020 Recruitment Start?

The Npower Batch C registration will start on the 26th of June, 2020. See the process involved below to successfully apply for it.

Categories for Npower Recruitment 2020

The Npower 2020 recruitment is going to have the same categories as previous years. For those who have not benefited from it before, you can see the list below

Npower Build (N-Build) Recruitment 2020 Registration

The focus industries of the N-Build program include:

N-Power Volunteer Corps

The N-Power Volunteer Corps is that the post-tertiary engagement initiative for Nigerians between eighteen and thirty-five. It’s a paid volunteering programme of a 2-year period.

Npower Agro (N-Agro) Recruitment 2020 Registration

Npower Agro Previous Recruitment Link

Npower Health (N-Health) Recruitment 2020 Registration

Npower Health Previous Recruitment Link

Npower Teach (N-Teach) Recruitment 2020 Registration

Npower Teach Previous Recruitment Link

Npower Creative (N-Creative) Recruitment 2020 Registration

Npower Creative Previous Recruitment Link

Npower Tech (Hardware and Software) Recruitment 2020 Registration

Npower Tech Previous Recruitment Link

Npower Tax Recruitment 2020 Registration

How to register for Npower 2020/2021 Recruitment

Applicants are to note that the application process is completely free and there is no application fee. Applicants are
requested to read and understand all relevant information prior to applying. Applicants should note the following steps:
  • Before you go on to apply, ensure you have a printout or accurate details of your Bank Verification Number or BVN and a recent passport photograph.
  • Once you get on the application portal, you will be required to read the terms and conditions of the N-Power Programme and accept that all the information you will provide must be truthful and accurate.
  • Fill in your 11-digit BVN; then fill in your surname, first name, and middle name in identical terms to your BVN information; followed by details of your active bank account;
NOTE– If your BVN details are inaccurate, you will not be permitted to go past this interface. If the BVN details are accurate, you will be allowed to proceed to the application portal to fill in all the personal information
required and your academic qualification. You will receive a unique N-Power identification number;
  • Ensure to provide your own telephone number and email so that you can be reached directly;
  • You will also need to upload your passport photograph in either JPEG or PNG files in no more than 25 kilo bytes.


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