This post contains the guidelines for NYSC mobilization of Nigerian graduates for the mandatory one (1) year service. NYSC BATCH A, B AND BATCH C. Click here for Batch C update
It is very important that the infopadi team write this article in other to get all our readers preparing for the 2018/2019 NYSC exercise fully prepared and equipped with the right information in other to ensure no mistakes or errors occur.
Therefore this update contains all you have to do before your final mobilization.
Table of Contents
Click here to view the date for online registration, printing of call up letter and orientation camp
View the complete list of States that pay corpers and the amount they pay- Updated payment list 2018
For now no school have published their students NYSC mobilization list, but we promise to inform you as soon as the list is out, we can even go the extra mile to help you check for your name on the list (terms and conditions apply)
Now that we have given our word, we will like you to hear what the DIRECTOR-GENERAL NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE CORPS has to say on the issue of mobilization.
Full details of the letter signed and released by the DIRECTOR-GENERAL NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE CORPS
As part of efforts aimed at ensuring that only eligible graduates who pass through duly accredited full time courses are mobilized for participation in the National Youth Service Corps, the NYSC Management is collaborating with relevant regulatory bodies of the respective Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs) – the National Universities Commission (NUC) for Universities and degree awarding institutions and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) for Mono/Polytechnics as well as the entry admission examination body- Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Accordingly, the data of all prospective corps members as submitted for mobilization by their respective institutions, are subjected to screening for conformity with the requirements of these regulatory/examination bodies. In this regard, all prospective corps members whose admissions are not known to JAMB will be deemed to be improperly admitted. The admission status of such students will require the affected CPIs to regularise same with JAMB.
Similarly, all Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs) have been advised to abide by the extant admission quota approved by the NUC and NBTE respectively in making submission for mobilization. Any submission in excess of quotas approved will not be accepted. Graduates of courses not duly accredited by these regulatory bodies will not be mobilized for service.
It should be stated, for emphasis, that the regularization of admissions with JAMB is the duty of the Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs), just as the confirmation of approved admission quota for each course and the determination of their accreditation status is the prerogative of the regulatory bodies – NUC and NBTE
It is imperative to state that the NYSC will not act as a liaison office between the Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs) and these regulatory/examination bodies. This much had earlier been brought to the notice of CPIs at the last Pre-Mobilization Workshop held in Ilorin, Kwara State on Thursday 16th January, 2013. Corps Producing Institutions which are unable to conclude the regularization exercise during the 2013 Batch ‘A’ service year could still be considered in subsequent Batches when the outstanding issues would have been resolved by the institution.
It has become expedient to bring this information to the attention of the general public for necessary guidance.
Thank you.
The infopadi team now believes that you have gotten the idea, please do not fail to connect with us via our various platforms, we believe you have a better idea on all the mobilization stages, for more clarity contact our admin or contact your school student affairs for more clarification.
We hope this information is helpful. Do well to subscribe to our blog for free using your Email for more NYSC updates.
I just submitted my jamb regularization, is it possible to be among batch A
Anything is possible although the chances are really slim.
my school released d mobilization list. My name is correctly spelt but d gender is male n m female n then d matrix number is wrong too. what should I do Pls?
Go to your school student affairs and tell them of the error, they will direct you on what to do.
when is the batch b mobilization online registration will commence
Pls in my jamb result my name is Azeez Abdullahi but in my School notification of result, my name is Abdulazeez Abdullahi… And now we are currently doing our school mobilization,,, please can my school mobilize me successful and can i later do d corrections on NYSC portal? Please uor warm answer is needed asap.. Thanks
Try to correct your details in your school ICTC or student affairs, this is to ensure no delays in your mobilization process.
Pls is there any existing room for date of birth correction? I made serious mistake during my jamb registration. Is it jamb or weac that is currently being used in the mobilization? Thanks
It is waec d.o.b that is generally used.
Pls when is 2018 batch b going to be mobilized
No date has been released yet.
No date has been released yet. We would surely notify you when it is released.
is there any chance batch b can be mobilized this july? or just by november!
July might not be possible.
I was admitted into my school at the age of 26 yrs in 2009/2010 can I still join the NySC exercise now that am above 30?
We dont think you can. The maximum age for NYSC is 29
please when is batch b 2018 going to be mobilized
InfoPadi, you have not answered Okeke Rita’s question and that is important to me as well.
When is batch B going to be mobilised?
do we still have 2 streams for batch a,2018.
Hopefully, we do
I hear its now going to be Batch A, B and C, and that in May 2018, mobilisation for batch B will start. How true is this?
There would be a batch B but Batch C has not been fully confirmed.
how Many nysc batch do We have this year and thé month ?
Still speculating.
I heard there are now three true is this?
Not confirmed yet.
Can someone register for the batch B afresh or for only those that registered for batch A that are yet to mobilise? Because my school just want to upload my name to the Senate list.
Batch B is for fresh registrations, so you can apply.
My name came out on the error list in my school..a number was omitted from my jamb reg number n I couldn’t register bkus of this…pls wen z d next remobilization? We were asked to come by May though..
It is around that period though..we will inform you soon.
Does one have to apply?
Plz wen s batch b going 2 b mobilize
Pls when is next mobilization bcs my name came out on the error list and didn’t meet up to resend the name on time
Hopefully in the 3rd quarter of the year.
soon do you think the batch b will be going
plz jamb corrected my date of birth after being showed in my dashboard, exemption. pls will I be able to undergo online registration for batch b, if my school remobilised me? thanks
It is a possibility, but we advice you wait patiently till the mobilization commences to fully confirm.
Hi, please can I get a contact number, so I can be notified when the 2018 batch b registration begins?
You can get our official number from our contact us Page. You can also speak directly with an admin on our Facebook page or twitter handle.
i submitted my jamb validation today,i graduated from a polytechnic. will it be possible for me to join batch a stream 2 or should i expect to follow batch b stream 1, thank you
You can not join stream 2,you can join batch B
Pls I have same issue about date of birth on my waec. I did my online registration
for batch A 2018, before I saw exemption letter. But I was not able to correct it before the closing date. If I rectify my waec can I still be mobilized for batch B. Pls I need advice. Thanks
Please speak with our admin directly on our facebook page.
Hello Gloria, hope you have rectified the issue, because I have the same issue too. please can you update me
Please what is your facebook page name??
When is batch A stream 2 going for camp
Hopefully July
I am Victor from The polytechnic Ibadan , please help beg polytechnic Ibadan to release us for the next batch … we are getting old at home.
Pls how can I revalidate my call up letter for batch B July, and when can that be done
when is 2018 batch B is going to commence please infopadi
hmm I don’t even understand dis nysc of a thing o.cuz av registered in July batch fell on me o now d question is , is July batch b or stream two.
can the school add more names to the next stream ??
They can only add names for subsequent batches not streams
my waec d.o.b is 30yrs while my jamb dob is 29yrs
pls, what should I do I want to join batch B 2018
Contact our admin on our Facebook page.
the exeption is it at the time of graduation or time of mobilization?
During mobilization
When will batch B start registration
Pls which batch is mobilizing this July???
Please, my school still has our mobilization forms they didn’t submit for batch A, do we still need to fill another form or are they submitting the first one? Reply please
Only your school can answer this.
Pls how can i correct my d.o.b on my waec result
You go to WAEC office
has batch B mobilization started yet?
has mobilization for batch B started yet?
No it hasn’t started
Pls I want to know am 29 yrs will be 30 by next year and am using neco result also can I use d result and can I still go 4 service in next batchB with my age
If you register this year, you would be able to serve.
when is another mobilization coming up
No date has been fixed yet.
please will there be mobilization in July?
when is batch B going to camp and what are the things to take to camp?
We will update you soon.
I finished from Lagos poly but just did my clearance don’t no if my school has summitted our names to u, want to no if we can go by July batch, dat is my wish, pls need ur reply
Going with July set is not really possible.
pls can sumone who just finished clearance be mobilse in july
No, it is not possible.
Ifopadi batch B mobilization is on going they started since may 7th..confirm before you give an answer to any question
What is currently ongoing is re-mobilization for persons previously mobilized but didn’t go to camp. We appreciate correction if we are wrong. Thanks
pls infopadi, I did jamb regularisation, and I got a new pls is that enough for me to use and have a successful nysc online registration? or do I need to do something else after regularisation.
That is basically what you need to proceed with your NYSC registration.
All protoco absolutely observed. Still on the continues question WHEN IS BATCH B GOING TO MOBILIZED?
No date has been published yet.
Batch B camp start on 11 June to 9 July 2018 inform others thanks.
Printing of call up letter for batch B I’ll start on 9 June 2018, for more information pls check on http://www.nysc portal news 2018, thanks.
Please notify us when the batch b registration it about starting
We will do that
when is batch b going to camp pls infopadi
No date yet.
pls what is jamb validation again.. I taught regularisation of jamb is enough for the online registration.
We expect to be mobilized any moment from now, is there any possibility for us to joint those who are waiting for their call-up letter? Or we still need to wait till Nov.
pls can someone tell me the different bw regularisation and validation pls..
have gotten my jamb regularisation number. . isn’t that enough to complete my online registration? infopadi pls u havent answered any of my questions
@infopadi pls i have a very urgent and important question. i was admitted to Tourism, and Hospitality mgt, but the course on my jamb Admission letter is Geology and Mineral science…………… Will that affect NYSC mobilization?
You might have to do JAMB regularization.
Please my name came out with batch a but due to some issues I couldn’t meet up with registration and now am confused on what to do. Will I summit my jamb admission letter to my school for the second time for mobilization?
Infopady i was posted to zamfara state with batch A but i didnot go, so i was waiting to do revalidation but i checked my dashboard tonight i’m seing ”ur orientation exercise av been scheduled to JULY u wil be notified wen to print ur call up letter” does it mean i will go with July automatically?
Yes, that is what it implies.
When Is Online Registration Gone Start?
infopadi pls I tried to register for Nysc last batch A2018, i couldnt make it because my waec DOB was above 30,including jamb too was 35,all mistake from both jamb & waec, but now now I have corrected jamb by doing regularisation.. now I tried to register again at our school portals, they said the has already been used.. pls what do I do? else I will loose this batch plz.
have also made complaints, a lady working in the school portals said, I can only be helped nysc, ICT office in abuja.. I should go to them to open my dashboard, so I can register.. pls what do I do? I don’t know any one at the portals.. alternatively, she asked me to apply through my school, which means I won’t follow this batch.. pls help me. thanks.
Pls,i supposed to serve last yr but my d.o.b was reading 30yrs,then,i was tld 2 do regularization so dat i can change d yr.nw,is 29yrs.Is dere any hope 4 me dis july?
It is the DOB on your WAEC certificate that is used.
Im using NECO cert.
Pls, is there a way to postponed or shift my stream 1 batch B to stream 2 if mobilized and not prepared???
Pls urgent.
Pls how can it be done? I was mobilized for batch A but shedulled for July but right now am not ready based on marital issues. Pls can I shift it to next batch?
Please when is Batch B going for camp
And d mistake from DOB has been corrected .it is nw 29yrs.Pls,am i going 2 d camp dis coming july,if im mobilized?
Is the newly added stream 2 suppose to do validation? Kind of confused cos I bought DE form frm jamb
Do you have JAMB reg number?
Pls wen will july registration going to start cos the senate list is still saying no record found
No date has been issued yet. We will notify you.
infopadi pls my nysc officer in school is submitting our correction of date of birth to nysc abuja on the 17th of July.. pls will I still meet up with batch b registration?
my record has been uploaded successfully they say i can regester now pls when regestration going to start?
Pls,im 29yrs and i supposed 2 go serve during batch A but there was mistek from my jamb number when mobilizing.Nw,i hv submitted my jamb slip 2 d school again 4 correction bt learnt dat my school is not mobilizing dis yr til next yr.pls,is it going 2 affect my service next yr?Thanks so much 4 ur tym.
Its likely going to affect you.
Gudmori infopadi, in my dashboard was that ur orientation exercise av been scheduled to July u will be notified when to print ur call up letter, my own is no more like that, is only showing me ur dashboard only. Do I have any problem, pls reply thanks for your gud work.
Pls am married and I entered my dashboard this morning and they request for me to upload my marriage certificate etc so I went to cafe to scan it and upload again I found out that they have remove it pls sir am confused I don’t understand it
Hello please will there still be anymore registration this year? My school hasn’t mobilized some people yet and this current registration is ending on Monday (16th). My course adviser says there will be another so I want to be sure. Thanks
please, I was mobilised for batch b 2018 but my callup letter was not in this stream 1, please when will it come out
Pls does revalidation mean starting ones registration afresh?
Pls am suppose to resume camp dis 24july 2018 bt had issues so client register at d camp,so trying to revalidate my dashboard is showing dat I do not belong to dis batch nd dat i will notified wen to print my call up letter? Does it mean hv bn revalidated automatically
It seems so. Since the prompt has shown that you should wait, the best thing to do is to wait.
I’ll be 29 coming October. And I didn’t make the batch b list. Just want to know if age wont affect me from joining the next batch? .. Where as I heard no more batch for the year till next year
No, it ought not to
I was mobilised and registered to go for batch b stream 1but I didn’t go because of where I was posted to, I want to revalidate for batch b stream 2 , how do I. Go about it
The re-validation option would be displayed on the NYSC portal. Click on it and proceed
Pls am 29 and grudting this year November by the time of mobilization I will be 30 is way for me to serve
I was mobilised in October 2015 and finished the orientation camp in November 2015. Thereafter I could not resume at my PPA due to law school resumption. I am desirous of continuing my youth service now but I do not know how to go about it & I also want to enquire if I can change my state of posting. I need your help. It’s urgent. Thanks..
You will have to contact NYSC Head quarters
Pls infopadi have done revalidation my question will I print call up letter?And am I going with this batch b stream 2
And is it d same state of my previous deployment will go for orientation?
And I am .Pls sir answer my question one after d other
Please it very very urgent
Login to your nysc portal, you will get all the information you need
I did my regularisation with a mistake of DoB, 1992 instead of 1987. Pls I need help
Speak with our admin on FB
Pls after this Nov batch C ,wat month will they start mobilization for 2019 is it January or may
Is there going to be another mobilization and registration for another batch this year? In November maybe?
Yes there would be a batch C
Good morning, my name is Ojo Rasheed, I register for NYSC exception letter, have sent a message to their office, but no any reply from them just to know my status.
Check your school
My name is yet to appear on jamb portal for admission and I heard registration will start on Saturday,is it still possible to meet up..I just did my regularization yesterday
please infopadi, I did my regularisation on 28th of Sept. and my school didn’t mobilize me due to my lateness in do it. D question is please infopadi when will the next mobilization take place?
Please was not not mobilised because I wan not on Jamb matriculation list,but now I just rectify the problems today, I contacted the school was told the list has already been uploaded, that until next batch,please u want to know will the next batch be November or January??or when exactly will mobilization of new corpers will come up again?
Good morning, i am 29 years but will be 30 by january and that’s when i will graduate (2019…around october/November )…will i be eligible to serve
My name is Collins, I just graduated this October, please I want to know what batch will i fall on for nysc and also at what month I will go for service? Thanks.
Pls I was supposed to go for service with this on going batch c but something came up which means I’d have to go with the next batch which is next year. What am I supposed to do? Do I register nw or wait till next year?
Pls when is the next batch scheduled for next year