
Npower Posting Letter 2018| Upload and Download Deployment Letter from NPVN Portal- 2017 Beneficiaries

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Npower officials have been releasing numerous statements as regards the 2017 Npower Beneficiaries. We will be updating you on all you need to know about the posting letter and how to successfully upload or download it from your NPVN PORTAL. 

We also would like to use this medium to inform all the successful 2017 Beneficiaries of the Npower program that their posting letter would contain all they need to know about their Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). This would enable you to adequately participate in the empowerment program and also benefit all that you are entitled to. Please note as a beneficiary you would receive an Npower Device and also monthly payment of 30,000 naira for the next two (2) years.
More details can be found below.

As soon as you have stamped and uploaded your posting letter you will start receiving your monthly stipends of 30,000 naira. Payment will commence in the month of August, 2018.

Are you having issues with uploading your deployment letter on your NPVN profile?

Follow this link to resolve the issue/problem- How to resolve deployment letter upload issues and upload letter successfully 

Npower Deployment Letter 2018

As soon as you collect your deployment letter, you are expected to take the letter to your PPA.
At your PPA the letter would be stamped, this indicates that you have resumed your duty.
After stamping proceed to your NPVN PORTAL to upload it.
Please take note of the steps
1. Login to your NPVN PORTAL

2. Go to your LGA office to collect your deployment letter
3. Take the print out to your PPA and stamp it
4. Login to your NPVN PORTAL and upload your STAMPED posting letter.

The deadline for uploading of stamped posting letter is 10th of August, 2018. First payment would be made 31st of August, 2018.
If you are having any problems with this process. Feel free to let us know through any of the channels below.

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